
The Bank of Jamaica's reggae celebration (feat. Tarrus Riley)

The Bank of Jamaica's reggae celebration (feat. Tarrus Riley)

The Bank of Jamaica celebrated an economic improvement with a reggae video about inflation starring Tarrus Riley. Watch it here.

The Bank of Jamaica's reggae celebration (feat. Tarrus Riley)

What do you do when your country has an economic revival? In the West, they like to hammer down on the poor even more than during austerity. But for The Bank of Jamaica in 2019, they preferred a more light-hearted approach: a reggae video teaching Jamaicans the importance of steady inflation.

Jamaica’s central bank enlisted the help of Tarrus Riley for a video to teach Jamaicans about inflation and financial policies. At the time of writing, the video has received over 320,000 YouTube views and features killer lines such as “we want inflation low so we can plan and prosper, but if it drops too low, we can’t grow” and “no inflation monster shall prosper!”

But the most important message—from a musical perspective—is “low, stable and predictable inflation is to the economy like what the bassline is to reggae music!” Yeah, man!

Stream it below.

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