We love Potholes In My Blog and we love Potholes Music. So, it’s only fair that we share this love with you all and tell you about Distant Arcade, a label compilation that was out a couple of weeks ago (two weeks ago today, in fact). Featuring the likes of AbJo, BK Beats, Javis FauX and Emay, this is what happens when a label gets its best artists together for a compilation project. It’s jazzy in place, ambient and synthy in others, but overall, it’s just damn good. What you do next after reading this is not up to you. You’re going to stream it below and then hit download (because it’s free). You might think about getting a t-shirt as well, but that is purely your decision.
Distant Arcade (Label Compilation) - Potholes Music

Potholes Music release label compilation, Distant Arcade.
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