
How well do you know Madlib?


Time to debunk some Madlib myths.

Discogs wrote a cool “fact or fiction” article using its own data on Madlib’s discography. There was a lot of stuff I didn’t know including Madvillainy being his most collected and most wanted album:

By looking at how many Discogs users have added Madlib releases to their Collections, it’s easy to see that Madvillainy is the most collected — and it’s also the most coveted release as it has been added to the most Discogs Wantlists. That means that despite the album being added to thousands and thousands of collections, there are still tons of fans that are hoping to score a physical copy. Every time the album is repressed, it’s very likely that it will appear on Discogs’ monthly list of the best-selling records.

And he’s had a lot more aliases than I realised:

According to the Database, he actually has 33 aliases and 19 variations of the name Madlib. All of these names have contributed to the mythic nature of Madlib and the collectability of his records. Some claim that collecting all of his material is impossible, but the Discogs Marketplace’s sales and price figures prove that fans are willing to try.

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