
THROWBACK THURSDAY: Rick James vs. Geronne Turner on Judge Joe Brown

Rick James didn’t suffer fools lightly and that is evident in his appearance on Judge Joe Brown, our main Throwback Thursday feature this week.

This week’s TBT sees the late funkmeister in court as the plaintiff in a case against guitarist Geronne Turner.

According to Rick, Geronne had borrowed a guitar and amp from him they were both stolen from Turner’s car and so Rick felt this was grounds to sue. But then the situation went in a different direction as James later discussed how Geronne had “a little sugar in his tank” (his way of saying he was gay) and put his hands on his ass in a club after a few drinks for “forty or sixty seconds”.

That seems like a mighty long time to wait before “going off” on someone but there you go. Straight coldblooded.

Stream the hilarity below.

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