
SAMPLE RECOVERY (Justice's "Cross")

You’ve gotta love a sample showcase and SAMPLE RECOVERY does precisely that. This edition focusses on Justice’s debut, † (Cross).

SAMPLE RECOVERY #2 // Justice - Cross (2007)

I’m on a heavy Justice tip at the moment as I look for inspiration for my new album. Cross () is an album I’ve regularly played since I first heard it in 2009. During my research, I found this incredible video on YouTube by an uploader called ArctiliX. They’re a big French Touch fan like me and the video comes as part of their Sample Recovery series. This is the second instalment where ArctiliX tries to find the samples in certain albums. What I love most about Justice is their ability to micro-sample and this video typifies the craft. Some of the sources are ridiculous.

Hi, it's Luke, the editor of Sampleface! Why not subscribe to my Patreon and support the blog?

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