Detroit’s Whodat drops a minimalist hip hop beat tape worth listening to.
Hip hop has such a wide stylistic spectrum (if you bother to listen to everything BUT the radio) and albums like this are certainly pushing that door. Detroit’s Whodat (real name Terri McQueen) recently released her Medical Leave Beat Tape, with an avant garde approach to beats. There are some tracks that are just non-percussive instrumentals and others with simple loops and 808s beats (and a couple featuring our resident jazz musician RJ Austin on bass) but don’t be fooled into thinking this is plain; in fact, don’t be fooled into thinking this is necessarily “hip hop”. I like the way that convention has been tested and questioned. Whether the 80s electro/Brian Eno/minimal/ambient influences were intentional or not, they’re pulled off to good effect. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but there’s something more to the music than just beats here and I like that a lot.
Have no clue what I’m talking about? Stream it below and make your own call.