
A 5-question interview with Hossam Hilal

Hossam Hilal - Overk

We spoke to Hossam Hilal and asked him five questions about his life and stuff.

Hossam Hilal dropped Ozerk, his latest EP, on 20th July so we thought we’d ask him some quick-fire questions about himself and his life. Enjoy!

What is your favourite city in the world?

I don’t really like big cities, but if I have to choose a favourite city, I will choose two, Amsterdam and Chefchaouen (Morocco).

What’s the most unusual item you take everywhere you go?

Well, it’s usually an instrument. I have this Russian mandolin, I used to take it everywhere. But I recently started playing the flute, which has become my companion ever since.

Why do you do what you do?

Because I don’t know how to do anything else.

When was the last time you told someone you loved them?

Depends on what you mean, it could be yesterday or four months ago.

Where do you go to relax?

I usually go by the red sea, in Sinai, or by the Mediterranean; depends on the season, but by a beach definitely.

69, 280, or 420?


How do you say goodbye in your culture?


Buy Ozerk on Bandcamp.

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