Rap amalgam Alvie The Skywalker and Mello Marc brings us the woozy “Cosplay”.
I’m currently suffering with allergies so my head is feeling foggy right now. Musically, I appreciate that kind of aesthetic and that’s exactly what you get with Alvie The Skywalker and Mello Marc’s Cosplay. Described as a project “where in every costume you can recognize pieces of yourself”, emcee Alvie spins vocal yarns while Mello Marc knits them into his woolly beats. Alvie told us Cosplay was “light in playtime but heavy in weight; we keep it easy for you.” The contrast of light and heavy is prevalent throughout. The lyricism is light in emotive delivery but heavy in subtext and timbre – for example, “bill collectors” discusses the dilemmas of not having enough money in deep tired tones.
The project may pass you by quickly if you don’t pay attention but all the more reason to give it a wheel up.
Stream “cosplay” below.