This is now my second time encountering BoomBaptist‘s work via the Rapohnelizenz beat collection series and it’s this track Jazz Hands that has me reaching for my Certified Seal of Full-On Dopeness stamp. The track name would suggest that the beat includes a smorgasbord of jazz samples, a groove that’ll get any waistline to wiggle and toe to tap, and a rhythm track that is true to Mr Thaggard’s psuedonym… and if you ask me, it’s aptly named. You can check out Jazz Hands below and if you find yourself fiending for more BoomBaptist tracks, just click the picture above to be take to his SoundCloud at warp speed*.
*PLEASE NOTE: warp speed varient upon speed of broadband connection so all of you dinosaurs still using dial-up, you may need to get your hamster on and work that wheel to speed things up. Just saying.