Firstly I have not hit my head too hard or taken any form of recreational pharmaceuticals. I was just about to crash out and YouTube decided to throw this bad boy my way. Anyone who knows me knows I love music in all forms with hip hop being my heart and soul. Everything else just makes up the rest of me though I do have a soft spot for trap, especially trap laced with nostalgia and pleasant memories of thinking I was both the black, white and green Power Rangers.
The producer responsible for this is SAYMYNAME, who has managed to take the trap template a little further with extra percussive elements and an electro vibe, which just adds to the uniqueness. I didn’t think a Power Rangers-sampled trap beat could fit in to a Throwback Thursday article but f*ck it I’m gonna mention it anyway if not for a bit of fun, nostalgia and generally so you can “one man rave” to something that (depending on your age) could spark memories of Saturday morning cartoons with this and the classic X-men.
So thank you for this one, Trap and Bass, and stream it from the link below. Go Go Power Rangers!