Music can help us through the darkest of hours. Sivion knows this well and ‘Dark Side Of The Cocoon‘ is the fruit of his labours. His upcoming album touches on themes such as uncertainty, failure and, finally, redemption.
Above all, “love” permeates in his lyricism through the guise of growth in the face of adversity. Sebastian Hochstein is at hand with a colourful palette of sounds to complement Sivion’s concepts. The result is a transparent project, cogent in its emotional portrayal.
“Though the butterfly lives a life of absolute freedom and beauty, the caterpillar enters the darkness of the cocoon faithfully holding onto the hope of attaining this same freedom. And so, each of us must enter the darkness of our own cocoon…” – Sivion
Stream four of the tracks below. Dark Side of the Cocoon drops on 6th October via Illect Recordings. Pre-order limited edition vinyl or CD packages at Bandcamp to receive exclusive bonus tracks & remixes.
Track list
- Darkness
- Burn
- Alone
- All In
- Pendulum
- Stand
- Relax
- Really His (feat. Krum)
- Darkness (Instrumental)
- Burn (Instrumental)
- Alone (Instrumental)
- All In (Instrumental)
- Pendulum (Instrumental)
- Stand (Instrumental)
- Relax (Instrumental)
- Really His (Instrumental)
- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Side-Cocoon-Sivion/dp/B075Y8ZW16/
- Bandcamp: https://illect.bandcamp.com/album/dark-side-of-the-cocoon
- Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Sivion_Dark_Side_of_the_Cocoon?id=Bu2k3lm7caix36y34ggmrn4xlee
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0dlk369MZRCOi3oNKHU2ev