Hip Hop Instrumental Hip Hop

Starchildluke - VENOMTAPE

The UK producer drops the second album from his #Road2Switch series. We covered Starchildluke’s last album, Boas Festas, when it came out for Christmas. His aim was to release one album a month in 2019 for his #Road2Switch series, a fund created to buy a Nintendo Switch. January’s album is called VENOMTAPE and uses a …

Hip Hop

Moo Latte - My very last christmas remix this year

Moo Latte saved the best ’til last with a quick flip of a Christmas classic. As my grandad used to say “Christmas come and it done.” We hope you had a good one. Technically, Christmas is 12 days long so we’re taking advantage of that to promote a dope remix. Moo Latte is a “24 …