Hip Hop

SATURDAY MATINÉE: Jake One Discusses 50 Cent's "The Funeral"

Seattle’s Jake One talks about the making of 50 Cent’s The Funeral with help from his little girl. As George Benson and Whitney Houston once said “I believe the children are our future” and if this video is anything to go by, Jake One is passing on hip hop wisdom to his daughter. The Rhymesayers’ …


SATURDAY MATINÉE: The New Sound Of Music (1979)

Charting the development of electronic music up until the 70s, BBC documentary The New Sound Of Music is our Saturday Matinée feature. It’s strange to think that synthesizers, some of them now the size of your hand, were monstrous machines that you needed a house to fit them in and the price of a mortgage to …



Our Saturday Matinée feature presentation is PressPausePlay, a documentary asking whether our digital culture is producing better art or whether raw natural talent is getting phased out.


SATURDAY MATINÉE: Kraftwerk and the Electronic Revolution

Kraftwerk and the Electronic Revolution is our Saturday Matinée feature presentation. Germans are known for their efficiency (amongst other things) and when it comes to music, they have pioneered in a number of genres including industrial music, krautrock and electronic music. The name that often comes into people’s heads when discussing Germany’s influence on music …