Hip Hop

The Gummy Soul Show: Chicano Rap Oldies

Gummy Soul’s Wally Clark puts together a doo wop inspired Chicano rap mix.

Gummy Soul are a group of three artists: Amerigo Gazaway (known for his Bizarre Tribe album last year), Kurtis Stanley and Wally Clark, the latter of whom has put together a new mix exploring doo wop’s unlikely influence on East L.A.’s Chicano Rap scene of the early 90’s. Normally, thoughts of doo wop would send your mind to the 50’s but the sounds of those group harmonies clearly had an impact on hip hop amongst Chicano rappers of that time. The style is reminiscent of G-Funk, albeit with a different sound palette, so your ears shouldn’t have trouble adjusting.

Stream it below.

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