Some songs age like fine wines. sto the last lyricist’s ProPain VI is the jewel of the cellar.
Hip hop is all about the community – at least it should be. Conversing about how to grow, enjoying the music and the culture and helping to forward it. Connecting with sto the last lyricist from a music writing perspective has been a joy but when he’s not promoting other artists, he’s a rapper himself. ProPain VI, produced by the equally talented Tek.Lun, is a glimpse into some hard times sto previously faced.
life, heartbreak and overthinking can kill you before anything else does.
Between the brilliant lyricism (as to be expected from a proficient penman,) and the incredible beat, this is gorgeous on the ears, mind, and senses. This might only be a year old but no matter when it could have been released, it still resonates and holds a vibe irrespective of time.
Stream it below.