Sampleface Five: SP-404 Albums (Part 2)
5 more SP-404 albums for you to check out.
5 more SP-404 albums for you to check out.
808s and 303s are at your fingertips.
Find out what the SP-404 meant to a community of LA beat makers in Beat Culture & the SP-404.
Why not treat yourself and a friend to 5 awesome SP-404 albums straight from Bandcamp? Artists include Ohbliv, allthesefingers, and nymano.
Go from X to A with the new Roland SP-404A sampler.
Will we see the return of the classic TR-808? According to leaked details, Roland may well be bringing it back in an updated form.
Akai and their line of MPC’s have ruled the roost for the past couple of decades, with the SP-1200 the only real competition in that department. Now that we have the Maschine, things are a little different but back in 2001, Roland Corporation fused and improved upon the qualities of their Roland MS-1 Digital Sampler …