If you’ve ever needed a rapper name, now you can get one with the Wu-Tang Clan Name Generator.
Second only to the invention of the wheel in terms of ingenuity and mass appeal is this fantastic hip hop device: The Wu-Tang Clan Name Generator. Become the “real Wu warrior” you’ve were destined to be by entering your name in the text box and boom, it’s as simple as that. Here are some great examples from our own Sampleface team.
- Luke (aka Starchildluke) – Midnight Conqueror
- Blaise (aka 13e) – Wacko Mastermind
- Joseph (aka The Auracle) – Unlucky Desperado
- Bee (aka twittyb) – Fearless Ambassador
- LD Henriquez – Annoyin’ Ambassador (sorry!)
- Lucia (aka Elle Zed) – Annoyin’ Destroyer (sorry again!)
- Dan (aka Geekandspell) – Shriekin’ Leader
- Simon Boyle – Violent Wanderer
- Taytula Burke – Wicked Specialist
But there’s more. Ever wondered how Childish Gambino aka Donald Glover got his rapper name? The Wu-Tang Clan Name Generator. If you don’t believe me, type in Donald Glover and see what it spits out. Wild.